June 2020: Career Stories

Watching President Obama’s virtual commencement addresses in May, I was inspired to do something to support this year’s grads.

If I could give them one gift, what would it be?

The answer: self confidence. Not in the swagger sense (although I wish them some of that too). I’d wish them that centered, calm state that they’ve got this, that things will work out fine, that it’s all good, and that a sense of “it’s all just a game” can relieve the anxiety of feeling like you have to have it all perfectly planned out from the kickoff.

The best way to give this gift? Like so many other life lessons, by sharing true stories.

I invited the Pregame fam to share a glimpse into their career stories. Spoiler alert: very few of us end up where we started.

We want those who are in transition right now to see that the path is rarely straight, and that the richest careers can come from unexpected opportunities, genuine curiosity, and simply staying in the game.

Strategy & Style,